Whizar helps online travel agencies to generate savings and increase conversion

Whizar helps online travel agencies to generate savings and increase conversion rate by merely allowing optimized ticketing and free cancelation.
We optimize ticketing time based on airfares volatility, allowing online travel agencies to delay flights ticketing (for flights likely to drop) to the time the airfare is at its lowest price.
During that time, we allow travelers to make free changes and cancellations which dramatically increase the OTAs conversion rate. For the online travel agencies’ customers, our technology eliminates the uncertainty in whether one should book now or wait, as we continuously provide the best future price.
We do this by using our cutting-edge AI platform based on advanced machine learning and predictive algorithms. Based on thousands of features and hundreds of ML online models, we achieve 'state of the art' airfare prediction performance and accuracy.
Our platform generates between 3%-12% savings per ticket, on about a third of the airfares. Also, we increase the conversion rate on bookings up to X4.7. Whizar's integration with OTA's is risk-free, easy to achieve and allows decision making based on proved performance.
Our team consists of experts in AI, big data and algorithmic trading. We bring our extensive knowledge gained from our experience in the Intelligence Corps in the IDF, the Israeli startup industry, and the academy, to the travel industry.
Whizar is also supported by leading travel providers, which are all pursuing to see a change in the world of airfares.
Currently, we are growing and expanding rapidly worldwide. We are working with leading online travel agencies in the Israeli market as well as in various global markets.