SeeVoov is happy to announce that it's "SeeVoov On The Go" app is available at Google

For us it is a major milestone achieved!
The application enables travelers that planned their trip on our web or mobile site to synchronize their trip plan to their android and navigate with it while in their destination.
We have more than 13000 users worldwide that went thru an average of 6.47 pages in our site, with bounce rate of 39.59% and an average stay of 6:26 minutes in our site.
Travelers can now watch more than 2500 videos on 50 destinations and video plan their trip save it, send it, print it and now synchronize it to their mobile and navigate.
They can book their flights and hotels, or insert their own flights or hotel. We currently support 8 languages.
SeeVoov develops an interactive video-based trip planner ( This is an all-new trip-planning concept. Instead of reading material on your destination, you can watch videos that previously tagged by our system. Once you see a point of interest that you wish to visit you just add this POI to your trip plan. When you finish the POIs selection, the system plans the best route for your trip and then enable you to book your flights, hotels and other reservations.
SeeVoov technology is based on an intelligent machine learning system (under patent registration) that automatically tags videos based on image recognition algorithms.
You can see and read some more about SeeVoov at- (video in Hebrew) (article in English) (article in English) (article in English) (article in Hebrew) (video in English) (article in Hebrew),7340,L-5030521,00.html (article and interview in English) (report in English) (article in English)