Pruvo - Same Hotel, Lower price
Hotel prices tend to change AFTER reservations are made.
Pruvo is an automatic service that takes an existing hotel reservation from any website, hotel or travel agency, tracks its price 24/7 and gets you a better deal for the exact room you already booked.
Pruvo has caught the eye of major media outlets such as CNN, MSN & FOX, who have interviewed and featured Pruvo recently.
What we are looking for:
Collaborations with Travel Agencies / Airlines / etc. – Pruvo has the ultimate solution for bringing back lost customers and generating lost revenues.
Collaborations with Businesses – utilizing Pruvo is the ultimate way for optimizing your business trips costs.
Strategic Investors - after a successful crowdfunding campaign where we reached 362% of our goal, we are looking to partner with strategic investors.
Pruvo is already impacting the hotel industry worldwide…and we are just getting started.
Join us TODAY!